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Dear Dulles Triangles,


We’re all concerned about the continued spread of COVID-19 and its variants.  The Board takes this matter seriously, and we continue to monitor guidance from public health agencies to inform our Club policies.  As we continue to deal with changes during the pandemic, please be reminded of our COVID Safety Policy which can be found here:  This policy is updated as guidance changes.


Current guidance from the Governor of Virginia and public health organizations is not calling for a general shutdown like we saw in the earlier stages of the pandemic.  Based on that guidance, we are not shutting down in-person events at this time. We will continue to review new information as it becomes available.


We trust that you will read the policy and follow the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Department of Health and Human Services as you consider your own health status to make decisions about whether or not to attend in-person events.


We also encourage everyone to get vaccinated.  It’s been proven to help reduce infection rates and to reduce the severity of infections when they occur.


In addition, because we are seeing a widespread outbreak of the Omicron variant, we’re asking everyone to install the COVIDWISE app on your smartphone. This app is used by the Virginia Department of Health to help stop the spread of COVID by alerting people to possible exposures to the virus.  We ask that everyone use the app to report if they test positive for COVID-19 as soon as possible, to let others know of possible exposure so they can take necessary steps to protect themselves and others. 


The app uses a random identifier to determine if someone has been in close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19.  It will not identify the identity of the reporter of a positive COVID test.  It depends on people who have tested positive to use the app to report the test results, in order to start the notification process. 


We hope that all DTs will step up to help others protect themselves and their loved ones by letting others know that there has been a possible exposure.


As always, we remind you to operate at your own level of comfort when it comes to attending in-person events.  And we’ll all understand if some want to take a break from in-person events during these times of high infection rates.  


Stay safe!


2022 Dulles Triangles Board


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