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Our goal is to make our events as comfortable as we can for our Members, guests, and visitors.  As part of that goal, Dulles Triangles follows the guidelines from the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Department of Health and Human Services.


Coronavirus vaccines are safe, effective, and free. The Dulles Triangles Board urges everyone to be fully vaccinated. If you are eligible but haven’t been vaccinated yet, please get vaccinated!


If you are not fully vaccinated and you choose to participate in in-person activities, please take appropriate precautions, including social distancing and wearing masks.


If you feel ill, please don't attend in-person events. At any time, feel free to wear a mask if it makes you feel more comfortable.


DTs also holds online Happy Hours and other online events to help provide options for those who are unable to attend, or don't or feel safe attending, events in-person. Please consider attending these online events.


Always consider your own health and your willingness to accept risk when attending any event, with Dulles Triangles or with any other group, and make sure you know the policies in effect for each event.


Attendance is always at your own risk. Dulles Triangles cannot assume responsibility for attendance of our events.




Dulles Triangles has adopted the following policy to maximize protection against COVID-19 infection at Club-sponsored special events at which access can be controlled by the Club. This policy applies to the December 11, 2021, Gay-La.  


In order to be admitted to these events, participants must present one of the following:


(1) Proof of vaccination (a valid vaccination record issued by an authorized medical or government source) that the participant is fully vaccinated as defined by the CDC (i.e., has received two Pfizer or Moderna injections, or one Jannsen/Johnson & Johnson injection); or


(2) Documentation of a negative PCR test for COVID-19 that was administered no more than 72 hours prior to the start of the event.


To protect the privacy of our members, we will use a third-party service to collect the required data prior to the event. Individuals who do not present one of these types of documentation and get cleared by the service prior to the event will not be admitted. All ticket holders will receive further instructions before the event in order to submit proof of vaccination or testing.


Verbal assurances that an individual has been vaccinated, been tested, or has recovered from a case of COVID-19 are not sufficient for admission.


Check back here often.  We reserve the right to change this policy based on changing conditions and regulations.

COVID Safety Policy

Special Events Policy
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